Safari 2014 Journal: Eleven Glorious Days


Our last day in “civilization” until we reach Joburg next week.  Our man Thomas picked us up for winery tour day.  We stopped at several wineries today and sampled Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnays, Shiraz and Cabs.  Between yesterday’s dinner and today’s tours, Cindy consumed more wine that during the 25 years of marriage!  The highlight was the stop at Delaire Graff vineyard.  The splendor, opulence and magnificence of the grounds are unrivaled and the wine was fantastic!  The day ended with some sparkling wine sampling at Haute Cabriere where we agreed the Pinot Noir based Sparkling Wines are our favorites

Early start tomorrow… back to Cape Town airport and then to Sabi Sands.


  1. all the pictures are beautiful, you captured how amazing the world is the waterfall the rainbow everything is amazing!


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