The Politics of Politics. Time to vomit.
I’ve been away from this page, but I’m back for a little
political commentary.
The politics of politics.
Not a redundancy, but the politicization of everything. I get the goal of politics is to get your
party elected so that you can set the policy that bets represents your constituents
and supporters. But that has been coopted to the point where every issue
becomes fodder for Beltway pundits looking to score points. This is not a new phenomenon, the underside
of politics in this country has a rich
history, a history as deep and wide as corruption. Maybe because it is happening today, we seem
to think it has worsened. Perhaps. I
think we are at the dangerous nadir of an ignorant misinformed electorate,
unfathomable money in politics, the end of democracy, the establishment of an
oligarchy, and the politicization of every possible issue or scandal, real or
I love politics. I
love the gamesmanship, I love campaigns and elections, and I love the
strategy. I hate politics. I hate the endless babble of beltway talking
heads, I hate the idea of fundraising off of a crisis, I hate the pettiness,
and I hate the cheerleading media. I
miss real courage in politics. I miss
the idea that our elected officials would put nation first and re-electability
second. If Paul Ryan was courageous, his
budget would include income increases, reduction in defense spending, and
Medicare and Social Security reform. Instead
his budget was a sop to big Republican special interests.
I hate the role of religion in politics. The last thing we should care about is how many
times our president goes to church. I
saw this week that 53% of people would not vote for an atheist. I find this strange in that somehow being an
atheist is more dangerous than a candidate saying “I feel like God wants me to run for President.” The
idea of religion setting government policy is a dangerous proposition, the
theocratic oligarchy. Sorry, but no good
has come from running a country in the name of God or other deity. If the
founding fathers realized that God did not belong in the Constitution, it
certainly doesn’t belong in public policy.
With the exception of Fareed Zakaria’s GPS, I avoid Sunday
Talk Shows. I do not watch any of the
MSNBC, Fox News, or CNN political shows.
I watch BBCA and AJAM for my news and analysis. Why? I
am tired of the BS, and I am tired of the noise. I am tired of CNN having a liberal and
conservative on to spar and yell. I am
tired of professional pundits on political talk shows spewing the same old
drek. I am tired of the corporate
masters running network news and cable news.
I am tired of the evening news being a cross between Extra and
pharmaceutical infomercials.
I will never support a Republican candidate that kisses the
ass of special interests and social conservatives. Democrats that run from the Affordable Care
Act are gutless. Congressional
oversight? Might as well make the
Keystone Kops the FBI. The only thing
that the electorate gets right is the low approval ratings for Congress; too bad
they keep re-electing the same clowns.
I am disappointed in the ignorance of the electorate and how
misinformed the public remains about domestic policy and foreign affairs. The American people don’t want to get entangled in any more foreign wars, yet give
the president poor grades in how he has handled Syria and Libya.
Corporations are people, money is speech, and pollsters set policy. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. I feel the bile rising to the back of my
When’s the first 2016 debate? I can’t wait.
Oh by the way, the candidate that said “I feel like God wants me to
run for President.” was George W. Bush. How did that work out?
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