Politicizing Education
I am not a teacher, administrator, legislator, technocrat ,
bureaucrat, parent, or student, but I did go to school and I believe education
is a matter of national security.
Economic national security to be exact, and many of the stakeholders
have lost site of the objective. Instead
education has, like everything else, become politicized. Keeping prayer out of the public schools is
hard enough and an ever-increasing distraction without the battles between
states and the federal government, teachers and administrators, unions and charter
schools, democrats and republicans, science and intelligent design, and so
forth. The grip of politics has taken
hold of education, like it has healthcare, infrastructure, defense, civil
rights, guns, and fracking.
Sadly, one of America’s crowning achievements, Public
Education, has become the latest political ground zero. The great Progressive John Dewey of the Progressive Education Movement
said the purpose of public school: “to prepare him for the future life means to
give him command of himself; it means so to train him that he will have the
full and ready use of all his capacities."
During this Progressive period more Americans received a secondary
education as high school became compulsory, igniting America’s economic engine.
Every aspect of
education seems to create a full blown argument. Debate is necessary and healthy, it promotes
change and it generates innovation. But
what is lacking is mutual agreement of the ultimate objective. Too many of the stakeholders are focused on
their own agenda and worse, many of those sponsors championing change are less
altruistic than it seems. But who is
right? What is right? What is the goal and how do we get there?
I believe in meritocracy, oppose “last in first out”,
understand charter schools have their place, think unions protect bad teachers,
but still support teachers and believe they are grossly underappreciated. The adage “that there is no substitute for
experience” is not necessarily true, after all aren’t we warned that “past performance is no guarantee of
future results”? The fact that holding any of those
stated positions makes me the enemy exemplifies how the mix of organized labor
with education turns a logical debate into emotional conflict. A conflict fueled by millions of dollars on
both sides.
Standardized testing needs to be part of school, but it
shouldn’t be the most important part.
Instead focus needs to be on creating an environment where learning and
the quest for knowledge are planted, nurtured, and developed. The controversial Michel Rhee, founder and
chief executive of StudentsFirst, wrote in an Washington Post
opinion piece on April 4th “We
don’t need to opt out of standardized tests; we need better and more rigorous
standardized tests in public schools. Well-built exams can tell us whether the
curriculum is adequate. They can help teachers hone their skills. They can let
parents know whether their child’s school is performing on par with the one
down the street, or on par with schools in the next town or the neighboring
I never
understood why we spend so much time analyzing and studying failure, when should
study success. We hear about failing
schools and try to find someone or something to blame when we should studying
success and mimicking it. Organizational
Development teaches to find the best of the best and make it the new standard. Borrow from a district that excels in math and
science, look somewhere else for the best in teacher development. Who excels in developing problem solving and
critical thinking? Where are children
the most engaged? Copy, borrow, steal and
above all keep an open mind. Yes
standardized testing can be a good metric to determine progress and evaluate
teachers, but it cannot be the only metric and it certainly shouldn’t THE focus. Teachers and unions shouldn’t afraid of
teachers’ performance ratings and they need to realize that the union’s fortunes
are not the ultimate objective. Likewise,
privatization isn’t the answer either as plenty of private enterprises fail
every year.
No Child Left
Behind or Race To The Top were well intentioned federal government initiatives
to revitalize education. The problem,
national solutions to dynamic problems where state , local, cultural, and other
factors are at play are usually unsuccessful.
States’ rights is a legitimate concern and federalism with respect to
education is real. Perhaps someday politics
and money will no longer be part of education and the focal point won’t be
tests and unions, but students, kids, and families. This problem cannot be solved by money
alone. It requires adaptability, flexibility
and not just a common core, but a common goal.
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