
Showing posts from April, 2014

Twenty Questions for a Passover/Easter Weekend

Full disclosure, I am a self-described Atheist Jew  20) If there is no archaeological evidence that the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, where did the whole Matzah thing come from? 19) Are Gefilte Fish, fresh or saltwater fish? 18) Where can I find chocolate bunnies in the Greatest Story ever Told? 17) Was Yvonne De Carlo as Sephora, hotter than the Burning Bush in The Ten Commandments? 16) Why do so many people go out of their way to call themselves a Patriot or a Christian, when they’re probably neither? 15) Has the Catholic Church condemned Hannibal Lecter for eating so much meat on Friday during Lent? 14) If all politicians lie, why do people fall for the “Jesus Christ told me to run for President.” 13) If faith forces the suspension of free thinking, how does the tag line Faith and Freedom, make any sense? 12) How can Israel expect to be both a democratic and Jewish state while it occupies Judea and Samaria? 11) Can you have freedom of re...

Politicizing Education

  I am not a teacher, administrator, legislator, technocrat , bureaucrat, parent, or student, but I did go to school and I believe education is a matter of national security.   Economic national security to be exact, and many of the stakeholders have lost site of the objective.   Instead education has, like everything else, become politicized.   Keeping prayer out of the public schools is hard enough and an ever-increasing distraction without the battles between states and the federal government, teachers and administrators, unions and charter schools, democrats and republicans, science and intelligent design, and so forth.   The grip of politics has taken hold of education, like it has healthcare, infrastructure, defense, civil rights, guns, and fracking. Sadly, one of America’s crowning achievements, Public Education, has become the latest political ground zero.   The great Progressive John Dewey of the Progressive Education Movement said the pu...