Religion and Faith: It's What You Believe
He’s back!!!
Yes after several weeks, Diggapedia is back. It wasn’t a sabbatical as much as I felt I
had nothing to say, nothing to opine, and certainly nothing to rant about. In short, it’s been pretty damn boring as I
felt I had nothing else to add to the masses regarding the Trayvon Martin,
Edward Snowden, or A-Rod discourse.
So what brought me back? It would have to be one of three
things: politics, international relationships, or religion; and the answer is
religion, specifically the Lauren Green interview of Reza Aslan. I had recently downloaded Aslan’s Zealot:
The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, when the now viral video of the
interview took place on Fox.
So here are my top ten opinions on religion:
Your faith is your business, my freethinking is
Religion has its place in the public square,
just not in public policy; the Wall separating church and state shall be tall
and wide and never be breached.
Cherry picking holy book verses to attack
another’s opinion is the province of the small minded.
Any and all religious fundamentalism is a threat
to freedom.
Church corruption is as old as the Bible. From the High Priests who controlled The
Temple of Jerusalem and extorted from the poor Hebrews of the Galilee to today’s
Catholic Church’s sexual abuse cover-up and everything in between, the
hierarchy and power have abused the masses.
If you claim to be a person of faith but deny
another a place of worship you are a hypocrite and possibly a bigot.
All religions started as cults.
Faith is a powerful force and I respect those
that possess a strong faith.
I’ll tale science Alex.
When it comes to the origin of religions as told
in the various holy books, I am reminded of Mr. Maxwell Scott in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance “When
the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”
Oh, and why does a ‘news’ network need a chief religion
My secular ass is back.
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