By The Numbers April 6

2.40: The reduction in the average monthly social security benefit if government switches to chained-CPI (C-CPI) from current CPI.

4: The number of  Democrat Senators: Mary Landrieu, Tim Johnson, Joe Manchin, and Mark Pryor who still oppose same-sex marriage

55: Percent of America’s rivers and streams in “poor condition for aquatic life” according to the EPA.

76: Percent of Americans who want more emphasis on solar power development versus 31% on the production of coal

90: Percentage of Americans that support expanded background checks

131: Number of vacation days President Obama took during his 1st term compared to the 1,060 President Bush took during two terms.

154: Number of bullets fired by Adam Lanza in just 5 minutes

1,000: Cost ($) of the permit for Marine veteran Gregory Schaffer to fly an American flag outside his home in Hypoluco,FL

3,000: Estimated number of unexploded bombs still buried in Berlin

163,170: Number of claims filed against BP for the Deepwater Horizon spill

496,000: Number of discouraged Americans who left the workforce in most recent household survey

585,000: Dollars in performance bonuses that district superintendent Beverly Hall pocketed as part of the Atlanta school system scandal

1,200,000: The estimated number of premature deaths in China due to air pollution in 2010.

3,700,000: Number unfilled jobs in America according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

6,100,000: Number of Texans without health insurance

29,000,000: Alex Rodriguez’s salary ($) compared to $25,000,000 for the entire Houston Astros.  BTW, A-Rod in on the disabled list and expected to miss at least half of the season.

1,270,000,000,000: The size ($) of the Pentagon’s unfunded pension liability.


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