Seamus Big Love and SCOTUS
Stuck with nothing to watch at 30,00 feet, I discovered a 2008 episode of Big Love. And oh boy what a surprise. Firstly, it was great to see Lawrence O’Donnell Jr. (yes Jr.) featured as Bill Hendrickson’s (Bill Paxton) attorney; clearly pre Last Word days. Next was Mireille Enos, now starring as the outstanding detective Linden on The Killing, as one of Bill’s brother Joey’s wives and the fabulous Aaron Paul, Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman, as the Scott Quittman, Sara Hendrickson’s boyfriend. But best of all was the background soundtrack a television talk show caller can be heard telling the host “He saved the Olympics, who cares if he goes out with his dog on the roof.” Yes boys and girls, the caller is defending the one and only Mitt Romney during the 2008 GOP campaign. Seamus was news worthy in 2008. If interested, check out the Big Love episode “Oh Pioneers”. Some final thoughts on the Supreme Cou...