Allen West and the GOP Are Shitting Their Pants

There is an Allen West Facebook page post saying how much worse things have become under the Obama Administration.  As usual for GOP gimmicks, the numbers lack context and show how desperate the GOP is becoming as the economy picks up steam, the GOP candidates are free falling in popularity, and the President’s approval numbers are breaking through 50%.
Jobs: In December 2008 we lost 524,000 jobs. In the last four months of 2008, we lost 1.9million jobs, bringing the 2008 total to 2.6million jobs lost.  In 2011, 1,400,000 jobs were created.  In January 243,000 jobs were created. That’s a net difference of 4MILLION jobs between the losses of 2008 and the gains in 2011.
Price of Gas: July 7, 2008 gas hits $4.11.  By December, 2008 it has fallen to $1.61.  Gee what happened in the interim?  How about the financial collapse and the global economic meltdown and depression? 2012 gas started at $3.37/gallon, yes Virginia gas prices go up when the economy is expanding and speculators take long positions. No context.
Debt: Yes the debt has increased by $4.6 Trillion over the last three years of which President Obama gets about $1Billionof the ‘blame’ for the stimulus and extending Bush tax cuts.  The majority of the increase in debt comes from the continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan started by Bush and approved by the Republican Congress, the tax cuts approved by the Republican Congress and Bush, the interest on the existing debt, and the lack of tax revenues brought due to the economic recession. 
The World Economic Forum dropped the U.S. to number five in its global competiveness rankings citing rising public debt and weakening public faith in congressional leaders and corporate ethics.  Who are numbers 1-4? Switzerland, Singapore, Sweden and Finland took the top four places, in descending order.  Yes those liberal European socialist governments and the state capitalistic, not free market capitalistic, Singapore.
Oh and one more thing Osama bin Laden and 24 of the top 30 al Qaeda leaders are dead. 


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