Scenes from Republican Thanksgivings

·         Michele Bachmann “Let’s give thanks to the Pilgrims for bringing the Constitution with them from England.”
·         Pat Robertson “Colored people stuff their turkeys with Mac and Cheese.”
·         Herman Cain “Hmmm I love breast and thighs.  And the turkey is good too.”
·         Megyn Kelly “Make sure you season your turkey generously with salt and pepper spray.”
·         Mitt Romney “I like mashed potatoes, no I like French Fries, no mashed potatoes…”
·         Rick Perry “Let’s join hands and give our thanks to the Father, the Son, and the Other One.”
·         Newt Gingrich “If we’re not careful militant Islamists will implement Sharia Law and instead of sweet potatoes we will be eating baba ghanoush.”
·         Jan Brewer “Please pass the peas and show me your papers.”
·         Sarah Palin “Why does everyone laugh when I say Baked Alaskan for desert?”
·         Bill O’Reilly “Abraham Lincoln used to watch It’s a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving every year.”
·         Grover Norquist “Grover Jr. please recite your pledge to clean your plate in order to get Pumpkin Pie.”


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