
Showing posts from November, 2011

Wednesday Leftovers

Christmas caroling in Arizona:   On the 13 th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 13 AK47assault rifles While I remain bullish about President Obama’s reelection, supports should not underestimate his approval ratings.   He has entered the dangerously low numbers of single term Presidents Ford and Carter.   Granted the competition will be an important factor, but the American electorate is fickle and desires instant gratification.   Just look at electoral results in 2006-2008-2010. Ann Coulter getting bleeped on Morning Joe when she called John McCain a douche didn’t upset me.   What upset me was she wasn’t bleeped during her WHOLE appearance. The same ratings agencies that were either incompetent or complicit during the Wall Street implosion are now being harangued for failing to downgrade Greece’s bind rating in 2008.   You might as well have Carrie, Bruno, and Len doing the debt ratings. As a frequent visitor to Israel, I am very happy to see that...

Trying to get my head around a few things.

We have no problem removing undernourished kids from a home so why is it so controversial to remove an obese child? Conservatives think it is wrong for The First Lady to promote consumption of fresh grown fruits and vegetables but they think is it ok to regulate a woman once something starts growing inside her. We created financial behemoths that were too big to fail, and when they failed the Federal Reserve and Treasury’s solution was to make them bigger. When Washington gets in gridlock, like now, we blame the President for inaction, when the President starts issuing executive orders he gets charged with violating the Constitution. When not cherry picking Bible passages to support their religious beliefs, conservatives are cherry picking the Constitution to support their political beliefs. Constitution loving Conservatives needed Congress to reaffirm the motto In God We Trust, yet God does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. The 4 th Amendment of the Constitution protects citiz...

Monday Mishegas

Sometimes I’m not sure if I am ambivalent or indifferent. If you were a Doug Flutie fan but can't stand Tim Tebow, you may be a hypocrite. When I picture Rick Perry and Joe Arpaio campaigning together all I can think of is: Are we seeing a trend in Republican candidate’s wives? There have been a lot of Democrats, including Arianna Huffington, who have grown fond of Republican Jon Huntsman.   Yes, he is moderate, believes in climate change, and understands globalization; but I am sorry folks.   Anyone who utters these words is automatically disqualified: “Hockey moms of the world, unite! History will be made tonight and her name is Sarah Palin.” “In a world of artificiality, we are looking for originality. We are looking for authenticity. We are looking for a rebel, a renegade. We are looking for Sarah.” I am still baffled about Gingrich’s rise in the polls.   How can social conservatives support this guy’s track record?   How can Tea Partiers support a guy who ...

Cue the Music for these guests

So Congresswoman Bachmann didn’t care for the Roots “Lyin’ Ass Bitch” as her entrance music.   Might I offer some suggestions for her and the other Republican personalities? Michele Bachmann: Crazy (Patsy Cline, Icehouse, and Gnarls Barkley medley) Rick Perry: American Idiot (Green Day) Mitt Romney: Changes (David Bowie) Herman Cain: Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne) Jon Huntsman: China Girl (David Bowie) Newt Gingrich: New Girl Now (Honeymoon Suite) Rick Santorum: Relax (Frankie Goes to Hollywood) Rush Limbaugh: Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) Michael Steele: Behind Enemy Lines (Demi Lovato) Bill O’Reilly : Love the Way You Lie (Eminem and Rihanna) Sean Hannity: Antichrist Television Blues (Arcade Fire) Glenn Beck: Already Gone (Eagles) John McCain: Lost in the Supermarket (The Clash) Sarah Palin: Once in a Lifetime (The Talking Heads)..and you may ask yourself, well how did I get here? John Boehner: Tracks of My Tears (Smoky Robinson) Grover Norquist: Puppet on a String (The Hives) Dick...

Congress Fails. Blame The President.

Republicans, some Democrats, the main street media, and a number of pundits have been laying the failure of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction on President Obama.   The JSCDR, inappropriately better known as the super-committee, was created by the Budget Control Act in August 2011 when the debt ceiling was raised by $400Billion.   The JSCDR was tasked with recommending at least $1.5 trillion in additional deficit reduction steps over a 10-year period, and had the options of coming up with the money from : revenue increases, including raising taxes; tax reforms, such as simplifying the tax code and eliminating some tax breaks and loopholes; military spending cuts; and measures to reform and slow the growth of entitlement programs .   In other words, everything was on the table.   Twelve members, six from each party and six from each House of Congress failed to come up with a compromise as mandated by the Budget Control Act, yet it was President Obama’s...

Some Early Christmas Gifts for GOP Candidates

Some Early Christmas gifts I picked up on Black Friday: For Herman Cain: Box set of “Where in the World is Carmen Santiago”? For Michele Bachmann: DVD copy of “He’s Just Not That Into You” For Rick Perry: Guns and Ammo’s Guide to   America’s Most Racist Hunting Camps For Mitt Romney: Fur lined flip flops for when he campaigns in New Hampshire. For Jon Huntsman: An original edition How to Win Friends and Influence People For Rick Santorum:   The home version of the Guantanamo Bay Waterboarding Game For Newt Gingrich: Michelin Guide to Cruising the Greek Islands and Aegean Sea

The Politics of Immigration and Immigration Politics.

Americans have a prolific propensity to blame someone for their personal failures or national ills.   We love our heroes and we denigrate our goats.   And when our national economy struggles and staggers we can’t help but want to blame someone or something.   We blame the President, Congress, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, consumers, businesses, and foreign nations.   And when it’s time to fire up the electoral base immigrants become public enemy number one.     Depending on circumstances, immigration can be a lightning rod issue and sometimes it can be a secondary issue; but it’s never far from the forefront, especially with the socially conservative Tea Party. In the Fox News/Google September Republican Presidential Debate Texas Governor Perry defended his 2001 Texas Dream Act: "If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they have been brought there by no fault of their own, I don't think you ha...

Not a Hallmark Thanksgiving Card

I am thankful for Jon Stewart, the Daily Show, Stephanie Miller, and all of the other Sexy Liberals who make being progressive cool and funny. I am thankful for Twitter and other social media for putting information and knowledge at everyone’s finger tips. I am thankful for a world where GOOD cynicsm, sarcasm, and satire are cherished like a fine wine. I am thankful that I live in a country where hard work DOES pay off. I am thankful that I live in a country where there is a safety net for its citizens when they fall upon hard times. I am thankful for the Republican Party for producing such qualified candidates as Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and Michele Bachmann. I am thankful for politicians for giving me so much material for and Twitter. I am thankful for for being the anti-venom to ridiculous chain e-mails. I am thankful to and for arming us with facts and data against the lies and falsehoods (PS I am talkin...

Scenes from Republican Thanksgivings

·          Michele Bachmann “Let’s give thanks to the Pilgrims for bringing the Constitution with them from England.” ·          Pat Robertson “Colored people stuff their turkeys with Mac and Cheese.” ·          Herman Cain “Hmmm I love breast and thighs.   And the turkey is good too.” ·          Megyn Kelly “Make sure you season your turkey generously with salt and pepper spray.” ·          Mitt Romney “I like mashed potatoes, no I like French Fries, no mashed potatoes…” ·          Rick Perry “Let’s join hands and give our thanks to the Father, the Son, and the Other One.” ·          Newt Gingrich “ If we’re not careful militant Islamists will implement Sharia Law and instead of sweet potatoes we will be e...

Tuesday's Luncheon Specials

What do Bill Maher, Bill O’Reilly and Chris Matthews have in common?   No matter what the political ideology, shilling one’s book is more important that politics, beliefs, consistency, and hypocrisy.   O’Reilly clearly didn’t bother researching, Matthews believes JFK is the gold standard and uses his show to shamelessly plug his book, and Bill Maher makes a living mocking the ladies of The View and then runs to sit on the sofa with them when he has a new book out.   Charlatans. No frills airline Ryanair is considering allowing passengers to watch porn on hand held devices.   Which brings me to: a)       What are they doing with the other hand? b)       I guess they won’t be serving nuts. c)        Watch me bring this tray table up without any hands. d)       Pesky seatbelts Predictions for tonight’s GOP debate on National Security: a)     ...

A Biased Analysis of the Affordable Care Act and The Supreme Court

Sometime around June or July, The Supreme Court of the United States will rule on the constitutionality of President Obama’s signature1st term legislative achievement: The Affordable Care Act.   The arguments will center on whether the individual mandate is constitutional under the ‘Commerce Clause’, (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3), that states the United States Congress has the power: "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."   Opponents will say that allowing the federal government to mandate buying insurance will establish a precedent that the government could mandate that everybody must eat Brussels Sprouts.   Defenders say that there is sufficient precedent in place as they point to Medicare and Social Security payroll deductions.   What is unquestioned is without the mandate, the entire law collapses.   What about the political aspects?   If the Court rules the law is constitutional, it’s...

Top Ten Reasons Why NASCAR Fans Hate the Obamas

10) The President killed Dale Earnhardt 9) The President wants to ban bump drafting 8) The President prevented NASCAR from adding gun racks to the Truck Series 7) The checkered flag reminds them of his heritage. 6) Union workers make the cars they race. 5) The President will charge race teams for their carbon foot print. 4) Michelle Obama will ban the corndog and deep fried butter from the concession stands 3) The President ruined left hand turns for them. 2) He doesn’t wear cowboy boots. 1) He uses words with more than one syllable.

Sunday Brunch

Political wonks, like me, love polls and to see how their candidate stacks up.   Fact is we are still weeks from the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary, almost a year from the election, and President Obama still doesn’t have an opponent.   Keep in mind that McCain and Obama were neck and neck, even with Palin on the ticket, until the GOP candidate infamously said on September 15, 2008 “ still the fundamentals of our economy are strong.”   So enjoy the sideshow that is the Republican Primary but campaigns are not decided until the final quarter Sep – Nov. National debt crossed the $15Trillion mark this week while the Supercalifragilisticexpialidouches Committee fiddles away their task.   Where are the grown-ups?   Social Security and Medicare need to be reformed to meet the greater demand of benefits from the aging baby boomers, longer life expectancies, and advances in medications and surgical procedures.   Tax reform is also required to expand the tax b...

I got all this stuff swirling around in my head.

I got all this stuff swirling around in my head. 1.        Have you ever met a compassionate conservative? 2.        Ever notice that neighbors of serial killers and sexual predators always describe the suspect as “Well he was quiet and kept to himself.”? 3.        The only way to keep Iran from becoming nuclear armed is for all members of the security council and key Muslim states like Turkey to offer a   way out that allows them to save face. 4.        Electoral Math:   President Obama has a solid lock on 222 electoral votes and would need 48 more to get re-elected.   By the way, there are 138 more electoral votes available in states Obama carried in 2008.   5.        Are these Mormon public service announcements supposed to help Mitt Romney get elected? 6.        Does anyone care what Pa...

Doing Some Quick Electoral Math and I like President Obama's odds

Electoral Math 2012 If you give President Obama ·          Maine: 4 ·          Vermont: 3 ·          New York: 29 ·          Pennsylvania: 20 ·          Massachusetts: 11 ·          Rhode Island: 4 ·          Connecticut: 7 ·          New Jersey: 14 ·          Delaware: 3 ·          Maryland: 10 ·          Washington DC: 3 ·          Michigan: 16 ·          Illinois: 20 ·          Washington: 12 ·       ...