Sunday Dinner: Avoid the Turkey

Thanks to the Magnificent Moshe for pointing out that PLO President Abbas made a serious mistake in his submission to the UN for statehood.  Abbas has refused to acknowledge the existence of Israel as a Jewish State because that would nullify the Palestinian plans to establish a presence in Israel through their much sought after ‘Right of Return” for all Arabs forcefully removed from Israel in 1947-48.  Abbas’ problem is he specifically referenced UN Resolution 181 aka The Palestine Mandate as part of the Palestinian application to be recognized as a nation; 181 specifically unequivocally, and unambiguously mandates a two state solution one Arab and one Jewish.  So there you go, the Palestinian Authority wants a settlement based on Resolution 181 which ends the right of return debate.
Watched Fareed Zakaria’s interview with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan today and was left with the following: (1) Erdogan believes Iran should be free to pursue nuclear aspirations because Israel has nuclear capability, (2) Israel is to blame for all Arab and Palestinian problems, (3) he is smart enough to suck up to the U.S.  My commentary of the interview includes the following: (A) Zakaria should have questioned Erdogan on his hypocrisy of how Israel deals with Hamas yet Erdogan does the same thing to the Kurds, (B) Zakaria should have challenged him that Turkey is supporting Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, to become a nuclear power, and (C) Zakaria should have questioned Erdogan about what appears to be the rise of the old Ottoman Empire.
HP board of Directors have hired former Ebay head honcho Meg Whitman to be the new CEO.  Countering some criticism that she doesn’t know the high tech sector, HP Chairman Ray Lane offered “Ronald Reagan was an actor.  He was a pretty good President.”  Setting aside the merits of Reagan’s presidency, before becoming President he was California Governor, the same post Whitman just spent $140Million in defeat to Jerry Brown.  Not a good choice for comparisons.
For those that claim the President is playing money gimmicks when he says reductions in defense money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan, are you kidding me?  If you’re spending $billions today on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and your plans include withdrawal from this arena, then you are cutting your future expenses.  Then again, since Bush and his Republican cohorts did not budget for the wars and paid for them from funds outside the budget, talk about gimmicks, I suppose anything is possible.
The geek in me is interested in this news release out of CERN that they have discovered subatomic particles that can travel faster than the speed of light.  These neutrinos could open up further analysis and research into other dimensions beyond time and space.  Of course I can see Bachmann and the Social Conservatives postulating that if Einstein’s theory of relativity could be brought into doubt, then evolution could also be called into FURTHER question.  What’s next law of gravity?
Initial review of TV fall season
Likes: Prime Suspect, Revenge, New Girl, Whitney
Dislikes: Person of Interest, Up All Night, Free Agents
Jury is Out: Playboy Club, 2 Broke Girls, Pan Am


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