Perhaps Gary Busey should run for President and Jerry Seinfeld should run an oil company

Oil company executives testified before a Senate Select Committee today and as usual the Republican committee members took the side of the industry that is project to realize over $100Billion in PROFITS, while the Democrats tried to find out why oil companies need $billions in subsidies, and the executives offered up their usual bile.  Here’s a summary:
·        Oil executives say removing the tax breaks will result in higher pump prices.  Fact: The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service concluded that eliminating the tax breaks would be unlikely to result in higher gasoline prices, which are influenced by a host of factors. The report, released Wednesday, said eliminating the tax breaks would raise about $1.2 billion in 2012. By comparison, the five oil companies had combined revenues of $1.5 trillion, and profits of more than $76 billion, in 2010, the report said.
·        ConocoPhillips CEO Jim Mulva, no shit his last name is right from the Dolores/Clitoris episode, said “Increasing these taxes would cost jobs and raise gasoline and other consumer prices, while actually unintentionally reducing the government’s tax revenues by discouraging investment.”  Using scare tactics?  You’re piece of shit.  Taking away a tax break that is no longer valid is NOT the same as rasining taxes.
·        Memo to Republican Senators if gas stays at $4.00/gallon and you sided with the oil industry, be prepared to get skewered in 2012. 
·        Exxon Mobil Chief Executive Rex Tillerson said the company's effective tax rate averaged 32 percent from 2005 to 2010.  Really?  The Center for American Progress claims Exxon's federal tax rate last year was 17.2 percent after all the tax breaks and concessions.
Then there’s newt Gingrich, the man with the million dollar vocabulary and a peso’s worth of emotional intelligence.  The bile that spews from this guy: “gay secular fascism” and “secular socialism” is pure rightwing rabble rousing red meat rhetoric.  Seriously Gingrich, did the witch in Holy Grail turn you into a newt and that’s why you’re so angry?  If he were alive today, Uganda’s Idi Amin would have a better chance at a political comeback.
Did you happen to notice that President Obama’s approval rating hit 60 in the latest AP poll?  Meanwhile, Trump’s approval ratings have dropped after his F-bomb laden speech in Nevada AND the number of viewers of Celebrity Apprentice has dropped from 9.5million to 7.5million.  Looks like Comb-backer shouldn’t have messed with the President AND fired Gary Busey in the same fortnight.
So the usual suspects on the right and on Faux News were up in arms about rapper Common’s appearance at the White House as part of a poetry session hosted by the first lady.  Hannity, Rove, Palin, and others cherry picked various lyrics and poetry and seemed to focus on many of his words regarding carrying guns.  So I need to ask, are the Bill of Rights not color blind?  What I mean, is apparently if you’re white your 2nd Amendment Right is protected and needs to be celebrated, but if you are black and go to Jeremiah Wright’s church, well that’s another matter…
Here are some interesting results from an NBS/WSJ poll in April regarding presidential preferences:
·        72% of respondents would be either very uncomfortable or have some reservations about voting for a former lobbyist
·        66%  of respondents would be either very uncomfortable or have some reservations about voting for a Fox news commentator
·        61% of respondents would be either very uncomfortable or have some reservations about voting for a leader in the Tea Party movement
·        50% of respondents would be either very uncomfortable or have some reservations about voting for a person who has multiple marriages
·        47% of respondents would be either very uncomfortable or have some reservations about voting for a Mormon
·        47% of respondents would be either very uncomfortable or have some reservations about voting for an Evangelical
·        20% of respondents would be either very uncomfortable or have some reservations about voting for a Catholic
·        13% of respondents would be either very uncomfortable or have some reservations about voting for a woman
·        13% of respondents would be either very uncomfortable or have some reservations about voting for an African American
·        Newt Gingrich is screwed based on his lobbying, multiple marriages, Fox News, and Evangelical faith.
·        Apparently we aren’t even ready to ask people about voting for a Jew.
·        The Hillary/Barack effect:  greater reservations for a Catholic, Mormon, or Evangelical compared to a woman or African-American.
·        If you worked for Fox News don’t bother running for President


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