Left, Center, and Right: How can everybody be wrong?

Dear President Obama,
Please lead more and be less politically calculating.  You’re like the guy who goes to the horse track and bets $2 on the favorite in each and every race.  Be decisive on the budget, energy, and Middle East policy.  Bush was a disaster but even when he knew the odds were long in privatizing social security, he took a shot at it and got slammed.  Take the bat off your shoulders slugger and take a cut.  Also, I am still waiting for this whole increased transparency thing to happen.  Requests for information occurred 544,360 times last year under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act from the 35 largest government agencies, up nearly 41,000 more than the previous year, according to an analysis by The Associated Press of new federal data. But the government responded to nearly 12,400 fewer requests.  What is your administration hiding?
Meanwhile back in Arizona, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik need not apply for a share of funds in the Senate budget to fight border crime.  Dupnik, last year said he would not enforce certain provisions of SB1070 and instead of arresting undocumented immigrants, he would turn them over to Border Patrol.  Well, Senate President Pearce is firing back.  A provision buried in one of the 13 budget bills spells out that the first $1.6 million of available cash go to the sheriff of a county with a population of more than three million. That applies only to Maricopa County.  The next $500,000 is earmarked for a sheriff in a county of between 300,000 and 500,000, meaning Pinal. And if there's anything left, it can be allocated to other counties or cities. But not Pima: SB 1621 spells out any county with a population of between 500,00 and two million "shall not receive any monies from the Gang and Immigration Intelligence Team Enforcement mission fund.''  "That was by design,'' said Senate President Russell Pearce, R-Mesa."The sheriff says he's not going to enforce the law,'' Pearce said Wednesday night. "Why would I fund him?''
What’s Trumpka? AFL-CIO president Richard Trumpka was on CNN and when asked why unions don’t drop their last-in first-out process for a pay for performance ranking meritocracy, he actually said that years of service and experience are the most important factors in determining performance.  He went on to identify the need to reduce school class size, increase parental involvement, provide teach training, and provide more funds as the biggest factors to improving education.  As long as labor is going to stay entrenched in their ‘entitlement’ mentality they will lose.  Americans are earners and believe you earn your salary, you don’t deserve it.  Trumpka…you’ve been euchred.
What’s wrong with Kansas? Republican Kansas state lawmaker Virgil Peck made the following statement this week: "It might be a good idea to control illegal immigration the way the feral hog population has been controlled -- with hunters shooting from helicopters."  This from a self proscribed pro-lifer.  Even if he was joking, is it possible to possess even less social awareness? 

No word if he can fly.  Apparently there is a squirrel in Bennington, VT that has been attacking the townspeople.  Authorities are casting a wide net in search of the rodent and his accomplice: a white glove-wearing moose.


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