Is the Black Widow a False Flag?
What if the terrorist threats at Sochi are just a ruse? Is it beyond the realm of possibility that Putin and Russian authorities are using a fabricated threat to advance a hidden agenda? I wouldn’t consider myself a conspiracy theorist. Yes decades ago I read all of the conspiracy books about the Kennedy assassination, but the one thing about conspiracists: they never have to prove anything, but just ask questions. Whether it was the aforementioned JFK assassination, TWA Flight 800, Pearl Harbor attack, and off course 9/11, conspiracists charge the government with nefarious deeds often without motive. But just because 9/11 truthers may be off base, we know governments have been known to use real or imagined threats as justification: the invasion of Iraq, the Alien-Sedition Acts, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and the sinking of the USS Maine. Would we expect less from the Russians? What would be their motive? Firstly, the Russians h...