We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident
This was a big week for the debate regarding same sex marriage and civil rights. While lawyers were arguing the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8 and DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) at the Supreme Court, debates raged at dinner tables, on talk radio, from the desks of cable news shows, in boardrooms and bedrooms, and across social media. While most debates were between those on opposite sides of the issue, the question of extending civil rights to the LGBT community created a different discourse even amongst those in support of repealing DOMA. Last week I mentioned he Loving vs. Virginia , the 1965 Supreme Court case that called laws barring interracial marriage unconstitutional. My point was that sometimes it up to the courts to establish what is right and not leave it to the populace and state legislatures. I was challenged by the usual conservatives, but also the religious left who claimed that Loving righted centuries of wr...