Bye Bye Beck
Be careful what you wish for. Bill O’Reilly is going after Media Matters by challenging whether its tax exempt status under IRS status 501(c)3. According to tax filings, the main 501(c)3 branch of Media Matters -- Media Matters for America -- earned nearly $7 million in 2009. Bill’O and Fox are basing their case on the anti-Fox reporting done by MMA. If Fox challenges the tax exempt status in court, MMA will be enter Fox’s reporting as evidence and what is more damaging: MMA losing its tax exempt status or Fox having to disavow its ‘fair and balanced’ tagline? Adios Beckster. Where Bette Midler sang the farewell song to Johnny, Beck gets Judy Collins and “Send in the Clowns”. Go join Olbermann in the wilderness and save a place for Hannity, Schultz, and Maddow. Blowhards on either side are getting on my nerves. WTF? Fall River authorities say the body of a woman who died in a public pool went undetected for days as swimmers continued to us...